Have you ever been jealous watching the perfect smile you see on television, in movies, or magazines? Have you ever asked yourself: "How this smile is so white ... so ... yeah right, good and perfect?" Chances are these stunning beauties were not born with a big smile. No. Chances are that a talented Cosmetic Dentistry St Pete FL smile designed for them.
You should enjoy a beautiful smile, too. With the help of a cosmetic dentist and Porcelain Veneers.
What are Porcelain Veneers?
A veneer is a placed over the tooth surface as a restorarative thin layer of material placed over a tooth surface, either to improve the aesthetics of a tooth, or to protect a damaged tooth surface. Composite and dental porcelain are the two main types of veneer material types that are fabricated. A composite veneer may be directly placed (built-up in the mouth), or indirectly fabricated by a licensed professional and later bonded to the tooth. In contrast, a porcelain veneer may only be indirectly fabricated.
What Problems Are Solved By Porcelain Veneers?
Some of the problems you have, which can be treated with the use of Porcelain veneers include:
* Worn down teeth: teeth by grinding or excessive consumption of soft drinks may be masked by the wearing veneers.
* Damaged or broken teeth: The teeth can porcelain varnish with similar features and color as natural teeth are hidden.
* Discoloration of teeth: Although tooth whitening can remove different types of tooth discoloration, perfect teeth veneers to help give color and form.
* Crooked teeth: Teeth that cannot be serious porcelain varnish curve are embellished. These facets, when placed on the front teeth look impeccable and impressive.
* Differences between the two modes: The space between two teeth is filled with porcelain veneers, with a single smile.
There are two main Advantages of Porcelain veneers:
The first advantage is that they are very "true to life" to create the tooth. The enamel of the tooth is almost transparent, which means that the interior color of the paint. If a porcelain varnish is placed on a tooth, removes color and veneer exterior, interior, climb the other teeth shine through.
The second advantage of veneers is that they are resistant to stains. Many people find this approach because they habits with coffee, red wine, cigarettes or other discolored teeth. Porcelain is a glass-like material that is porous and therefore evens a little accumulation of new spots.
My advice is to first talk to your dentist. The physician must first consider your needs and also to gather enough information to your personal veneers in the skilled dental laboratory.
This article has been provided courtesy of http://www.dentist-stpetersburg.com. Giving you and your family the best Cosmetic Dentistry St Pete FL and sedation dentistry experience is our top priority at the Dentist St. Petersburg FL office of Dr. Larry Klein, DDS. Dentist office in St. Petersburg tailors the dental experience to both adults and children, whether it’s preventative, cosmetic, or restorative care you and your family needs and special offer on Free Teeth Whitening.