Inlays and onlays are special types of dental fillings, also known as indirect restorations. These panels are good for modern restorations had to be developed. And in some cases, they are still the best way to repair the decay of a tooth, very seriously.
What inlays?Dental inlays are used for teeth, tooth decay or damage the top back on their use. They can also be used to replace old metal fillings or damaged. Dentists use inlays, as the filler material, within the first tooth with only a small part of which the tooth of the wall.
Inlays filling a hollow, which has developed as a result of injury or decay and strengthen the integrity of the tooth. These voids, gaps between the tops of the teeth or side of the tooth. The placement of the hole on the tooth is irrelevant since an inlay is a joke when a pocket inside hollow or filled.
What onlay?Onlay is used when the exterior of a tooth is damaged or has refused such an extent that partial or total needed to fill the shape of the tooth to restore. This type of crown is formed from an impression of the tooth and then cemented. Onlays fit around the outside and around the tooth.
A common misconception is that onlays more seriously damaged teeth are used as inlays. But a dentist decides the technique, enabling the use of tooth decay or damage. External problems in an overlay, while the interior repairs call for a deposit.
What are the common advantages of inlays and onlays?
- Inlays and onlays are ways of restoring relatively extensive tooth decay or damage without replacing the entire outer portion of the tooth with a crown.
- Less tooth is removed; inlays and onlays are more conservative than crowns and aesthetic trend.
- Because they are almost invisible from the tooth-colored materials, including porcelain and composite inlays and onlays.
- Unlike metal fillings, inlays and onlays do not expand or contract in response to temperature changes caused by hot or cold foods. This change in tooth size can cause weaken or break.
- The nature made, inlays and onlays, they help to strengthen teeth to 75 percent.
- The durable material made of inlays and onlays help you to 30 years, much longer than traditional fillings.
- Inlays and onlays can replace silver fillings to create a healthier smile, natural-looking.
- The inclusion of decayed teeth, inlays and onlays prevent later for further processing.